Trukiteasy Case Study

What is Trukiteasy

The product aims at digitizing the freight movement to build a platform that will help truckers find shippers and vice versa to remove empty back hauls and ensure continuous business for truckers. It also aims at reducing the cost of movement by 30% through bidding and use data science and AI to ultimately create an Uber for trucking. The platform aims at disrupting 125 billion dollar freight industry in the country and then scale to MENA region

Did You Know ?

The freight industry suffers from a staggering $125 billion in inefficiencies, largely attributed to empty back hauls and lack of a centralized platform.

The absence of a standardized bidding system and data-driven decision-making further compounds the challenges, hindering the optimization of freight movement.

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Amazing Features Of Truckiteasy

  • Trucker and shipper registrations
  • Shipper freight request
  • Trucker bidding
  • Truck tracking
  • Integrated Payment Gateway
  • Analytics and Dashboards
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